I employ an interactive approach of audience participation and involve them in the thought process. This allows answers and solutions to be brought about by the participants, to demonstrate their own intuitiveness, innovative and creative thinking, critical resolution problem solving skills and act as a working example of a team.
My goal is to empower the participants of my forums so that they can realize their already existing potential and how to use it. Additionally they will learn that many of the processes and techniques necessary are expansions of everyday common sense and that they may already have the answers and not even know it.
Control/Self Control Assertiveness Becoming a good and effective manager. Lead naturally Recognizing and using your creativity (everyone has it) Critical thinking Recognizing and using your resources, everything is an opportunity, no one is disadvantaged. Adversity, a negative word for alternative advantages
Risk management Compliance Sales Marketing The myths of Safety, Comfort, and security. The advantages of discomfort, pain, and fear. Become an appropriate dresser. How to think like someone else. Become more alert, know your surrounding how to pay attention to everything around. FEELING SUCCESS
Achieving your goals,Starting a relationship,Losing weight, Starting a Business,Customer service, Hospitality, Team Building,Improving processes, procedures, and building a positive business culture, Creative thinking, Communication, Conquering common women's issues, being positive, confident and assertive. Using positive confident communication instead of diminishing speech Handling your family using business practices Project management and why moms returning to the workforce are perfect for project teams
Control is the most important thing you can have. Without it there is either chance or chaos. I show how to take control of yourself and how everything else is an extension of your own self control. Audience participation is essential to demonstrate working proof. Build self confidence, motivation, hold yourself accountable, manipulation and coercion and how to counteract it and improve your mood, keeping your cool risk management, consciously recognizing control, compliance, rules, regulations, codes, standards, policies and procedures. Overcoming fears, perception vs reality Turning obstacles into advantages and assets forever.
We're always selling something, from negotiating with mom for that cookie, a piece of candy or favourite toy, to marketing electronic computing devices to every household in the world. Most people don't even know that they are using sales in their daily life, I demonstrate sales in both directions from the perspective of business sales, to everyday life and how one can learn from the other.
Everyday selling as a part of life Sell more and create happier customers by not selling. Sell yourself and your ideas Taking control using sales techniques Marketing your brand. gain friends, or just understand how the world works in general When to back out and when to stay in Being Assertive, Ask by telling and how to get what you want in business or your personal life. Eliminating diminishing speech and instilling confidence in your voice and actions.
ROI Return on investment
What do I get in return? What do I have to offer? Looking for an angel investor, venture capital, seed money? Would you like to be a business investor? Why should I hire you, why should you hire me? Supply and demand What am I willing to sacrifice? For every action there is and equal and opposite reaction.
What is it, and how does it pertain to my life and everything else? What is my value? What's in it for me? What do I want in a relationship? Really there's ROI in relationships? What is Value? Everything is worth something It's not always monetary. What am I willing to sacrifice?
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